The Nature Way

‘The land knows you, even when you are lost’ – Robin Kimmerer

In a world increasingly detached from the rhythms of the natural world, therapy in nature offers a transformative path back to ourselves and the living systems that surround us. This approach invites us to engage with the earth not just as a backdrop, but as a vital partner in our healing journey, an ally that resonates with the teachings of animism and the insights of ecopsychology. Stepping into nature, we awaken to the truth that we are woven into a vast, interconnected web of life, and in this sacred space, we can reclaim our sense of belonging.

Nature holds stories and wisdom that echo through time. As we step into the wild, we can remember that we are not separate from the earth; we are part of a vast, interconnected web of life. This can support a remembering about the importance of relationships, between people, plants, and the land. In therapy, we can explore these connections, understanding how our inner landscapes reflect the outer world. Just as the roots of a tree reach deep into the soil, we too can dig into our own roots, unearthing what needs to be acknowledged and healed.

There is a deep reciprocity between humans and nature. When we listen to the rhythms of the natural world, we can hear the wisdom of the land calling us to slow down, to breathe, and to be present. In this space, we learn to honour the stories of the earth; the plants, animals, and elements—as guides on our healing journey. Each session outdoors becomes an opportunity to explore how the world around us mirrors our internal experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe.

In therapy sessions held in nature, we will engage with the elements—feeling the wind on our skin, the earth beneath our feet, and the sounds of the woodland or river. These experiences invite us to attune to our senses and reconnect with the wild, instinctive parts of ourselves that often get silenced in our busy lives. The natural world offers a space for reflection and release, where emotions can be felt and expressed without judgment.

As we walk together on the land, I will support you in finding your own way of relating to nature. This may involve guided meditations, mindful movement, or simply allowing the environment to inspire your thoughts and feelings. We can pause to notice the beauty around us, tuning into what resonates within, while honouring the unique stories your body and heart hold.

Through the lens of animism, we recognise that all beings; plants, animals, rocks, each possess their own wisdom. In our sessions, we may invite the spirit of the land to guide us, seeking insights from the trees that stand tall or the flowing water that carves its path. These encounters can open doors to new understandings and pathways for healing, reminding us that we are part of a larger narrative.

Nature therapy is not just a retreat from the chaos of modern life; it’s an invitation to remember our belonging to the earth. By cultivating a relationship with the land, we can learn to listen to its teachings and reflect them back into our own lives. The process may involve exploring our emotions, challenging held beliefs, and discovering new ways of being in the world and with the world.

As we immerse ourselves in the natural world, we will honour the importance of co-regulation, using the soothing presence of the environment to support our emotional landscapes. The trees can be our witnesses, the birds our companions, and the ground our safe haven as we navigate our inner journeys.

Ultimately, therapy in nature encourages a holistic understanding of ourselves, where body, mind, and spirit harmonise with the world around us. Together, we will explore the map of who you are in relation to the earth, fostering a sense of homecoming that honours both your individual experience and the wisdom of the natural world.

Let us step outside, breathe in the essence of the wilds, and embrace the profound healing that comes from reconnecting with our roots and the living earth.


Mondays to Wednesdays Sunrise to sunset hours


£65 1 hour session

£80 1 hour 15 minute session

£95 1 hour 30 minute session